To setup, configure and install the Docker-based, Nginx Proxy Manager so you can manage reverse proxy servers, streams and redirection hosts, follow these steps:
Ensure Docker and docker-compose are installed
Create a docker-compose file to configure the Nginx Proxy Manager image Run docker-compose up to download, install and start the Nginx Proxy Manager Login to the Nginx Proxy Managerâs web interface Create a Proxy Host and point a domain name to a backend server Optionally configure custom Nginx locations and sub-folder forwarding Access your backend resources through the reverse proxy servers the Nginx Proxy > Manager has configured Simple Nginx Proxy Manager docker-compose file
The Nginx Proxy Manager can be configured to store its data internally inside the container in which it runs, or it can be configured to externalize config data on the file system or in a relational or NoSQL database.
All of those configurations make sense for an enterprise deployment, but for this Nginx Proxy Manager tutorial, we will use the simplest configuration possible and allow all of the config data to be maintained inside the Nginx Proxy Managerâs Docker container.
The simplest docker-compose file to setup an Nginx Proxy Manager Docker container is as follows:
version: '3'
image: 'jc21/nginx-proxy-manager:latest'
container_name: nginx-proxy-manager
- '80:80'
- '81:81'
- '443:443'
How to run the Nginx Proxy Manager Docker image
With the docker-compose file edited and saved, the following command will download and install the Nginx Proxy Manager and start the service in a Docker container:
:~/$ docker compose up
Docker container nginx proxy manager created
Setup of nginx proxy manager configuration complete
Reloading nginx reverse proxy manager config
When the Nginx Proxy Manager setup is complete, the administrative console will be accessible on port 81 of the localhost address.
What is the default Nginx Proxy Manager login and password? When the Nginx Proxy Manager first starts, log in with the following username and password:
Default Proxy Manager username:
Default Proxy Manager password: changeme
The default Nginx Proxy manager username and password can only be used once. When you log in, you will be asked to update and change your credentials.
How to setup a reverse proxy with the Proxy Manager
To setup a reverse proxy with the Nginx Proxy Manager, simply click on the âProxy Hostsâ link on the admin consoleâs dashboard and click the âAdd Proxy Hostsâ button.
Nginx reverse proxy manager Simply fill out the Proxy Host input form to configure a reverse proxy with the Nginx Proxy Manager.
In the âEdit Proxy Hostâ form that appears, simply fill out the domain name associated with the reverse proxy request, the IP address and the port number of the backend server to handle the request and click âSave.â
As soon as the save button is clicked, the Nginx Proxy Manager activates the reverse proxy.
Nginx Proxy Manager custom location settings The Nginx Proxy Manager also allows for custom locations to be easily configured.
For example, sub-folder forwarding can be easily setup by mapping a locationâs subfolder to a path on the backend server.
nginx proxy manager location The Nginx Proxy Manager simplifies complex tasks like reverse proxy folder forwarding.
Simple Nginx Proxy Manager Tutorial
This Nginx Proxy Manager tutorial shows you the easiest way to get up and running with the Proxy Manager, along with the steps to take to quickly setup Nginx as a reverse proxy. However, the features demonstrated here are merely a small subset of the Nginx Proxy Managerâs capabilities.
Nginx Proxy Manager features
Other Nginx Proxy Manager features include:
⢠Virtual host management
⢠Ability to cache assets
⢠Blocking of common exploits
⢠Websocket support
⢠Access list configuration
⢠SSL and HTTP/2 support
⢠Host redirection with HTTP code configuration
⢠TCP and UDP stream support
⢠User management
⢠Nginx Proxy Manager log auditing
Nginx is an extremely powerful web server and reverse proxy. The Nginx Proxy Manager > is full-featured tool that helps to lower the barriers to entry for users who are interested > in learning and working with the Nginx server.
The average person probably has only a vague understanding of the purpose of a proxy server.
If youâre like most people, you probably associate proxy servers with unblocking Netflix content from other countries or staying a bit more secure on an open WiFi network. The reality, however, is that proxy servers do much more â and are especially vital for businesses.
Proxy servers are a fairly simple intermediary mechanism between a computer with a private IP address and another server on the internet.
A proxy server has its own IP address, which is made public instead. While a rather seemingly insignificant change, the proxy IP address can be used for a number of vital business functions related to everything from security to customer experience.
There are five vital corporate reasons to use proxies that every business leader needs to know about, even if you arenât involved in the tech side of things.
Improve Corporate and Institutional Security
Every company today is worried about hackers. A data breach is costly, both in terms of monetary loss and public image.
A proxy server reduces the chance of a breach. Proxy servers add an additional layer of security between your servers and outside traffic. Because proxy servers can face the internet and relay requests from computers outside the network, they act as a buffer.
While hackers may have access to your proxy, theyâll have trouble reaching the server actually running the web software where your data is stored. You may not be able to fully keep top hackers out with just a proxy IP alone, but youâll be much less vulnerable.
Carry Out Sensitive Tasks Anonymously
Proxies are probably best known for their ability to anonymize web traffic. Unfortunately, many people fail to realize just how important this function is for businesses.
Reporters, whistleblowers and security officers count on the added identity protection offered by proxy servers to protect themselves, sources, their companies, clients and partners.
You can also better protect any current research and development and other company activities.
Any potential spy trying to track web traffic to figure out what your business is developing wonât be able to track your employees as easily if your company always uses a proxy. Any sensitive tasks completed over the internet are more secure when first anonymized through a proxy.
Balance Traffic So Your Server Doesnât Crash
Nothing annoys a customer faster than a companyâs website going down when they need it. Proxy servers, cloud data storage and peering improve customer experience by ensuring this doesnât happen.
A proxy manager not only helps with scaling but also improves security, privacy, and accessibility. It can control internet usage, give access to blocked resources, and save bandwidth. Furthermore, it secures employees' activity and balances internet traffic to secure them from crashes
Written by River
CEO @ AIO Tech Ltd
CEO @ Seven Seas Hosting